PrepChrom C-700 Purification system from BUCHI


The PrepChrom C-700 offers an interactive user interface, and simultaneously enables an easy and fast purification process. The high performance preparative chromatography system allows running both flash and preparative HPLC separations.

Accelerated purification:
  • Flash chromatography separation and subsequent preparative HPLC purification of all relevant fractions on the same system
  • Save time when optimizing the separation of complex samples using up to 4 solvents
  • Detect all compounds at once with DAD and optional ELSD
  • Fast separations on high efficiency columns
High performance:
  • Full separation optimization capabilities with quaternary gradient functionality (HPLC pump technology)
  • High efficiency preparative HPLC columns (10 or 15 µm) can be run at a pressure of up to 100 bar (1450 psi)
  • Optimal fraction purity resulting from a highly selective separation
Easy to use:
  • Perform prep HPLC as easily as flash chromatography
  • Intuitive graphical user interface designed for purification applications
  • Easy connection of flash cartridges, glass columns or preparative HPLC columns
  • Multilanguage user interface with touch screen